Burial - 2022
Set in the last days of World War II, a small band of Russian soldiers led by intelligence officer Brana Vasilyeva, who is tasked with trafficking the remains of Hitler back to Stalin in Russia. En route, the unit is attacked by German ‘Werewolf’ partisans and picked off one-by-one. Brana leads her surviving comrades in a last stand to ensure their ‘cargo’ doesn’t fall into the hands of those who would see it buried in order to hide the truth forever.

Kisha Brown

Hey love this movie which they would make a other one like this one.

Rhonda Harkins

not for me..I didn't like it

Henry Ardoin

Let's give it a go!"

Wayne Aksidan

wife was in the box


hitlers head


first time seeing this movie 🍿

Wayne Aksidan

wtf was in the box,FURS head?

Jenny Vasko

"what's in the BOX!"

Alex Lazard

I love the movies.

Donnell Upshaw

Marvelous Movie!