The Circle - 2017
A youthful tech worker quickly rises up the ranks of the company, requires employment at a powerful Internet business, and soon finds herself at a perilous situation regarding freedom, surveillance and privacy. She's to discover that her conclusions and actions will decide the future of humanity.

Eva Vulne

I for one don't think this is our future I think it's our current... We are sharing knowledge and data through cell phones television whatever screen your staring in front of is staring back at you. The world will never be as it once was.. As we grow in technology privacy is gone

Chris Kozik

"Secrets are lies." "Access to all possible human experience is a basic human right." Really?!! So, NO PRIVACY plus E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G has 100% disclosure. 👏An effective movie–a cautionary tale of what's developing in our lives.

Edward Lipson

I find this movie rather disturbing no one should be this transparent

Edward Lipson

how naive can she be it was her technology that killed her friend