The Lego Ninjago Movie - 2017
Six young ninjas are tasked with defending their island home of Ninjago. At night, they truly are gifted warriors using their own skill and awesome fleet of vehicles to fight with monsters and villains. By day, they're ordinary teens struggling with their greatest enemy....high faculty.
Chris Freiday
brooo ive been watching Lego Ninjago since the very first ep and the fact that they a movie is AmAzInG...Zane "my mom was like" to funny bruh an was wu's staff a fu**in flute🤣🤣
Cameron McCormick
so much hate I mean every body hates this movie like everytime there's a show and it has a movie there's SO MUCH HATE
Mason Patino
I don't understand why there's so much HATE it's amazing
Cleatis “Red” Webb
I love to lig I love this movie and it makes me laugh so much I actually almost peed my pants
Heather Servais
I just love this movie so much, and she Lloyd talks to the cat (or his dad) it always makes me cry
Jason Herrera
The best Movie ever 🍿🎥
Quamari Smith
I call this one the caged monkey bot me rollingg
Sherwin Holloman
Cheyanne Begaye
I love it and I'm re watching this and its 2024 and I watched this when I was 5 this brings back memories🥺
Markas Rivers
I have loved ninjago and this is so relatable and funny it so much I don't know if it is just me but I don't think there should be as much hate as there is
Resa follows her heart
I love how Zane says he's a normal teenager but they're like one of the battles he said if it was a TV show he would be a computer so he basically said he is a robot
sweet Sophie
the movie is not canon in the series but it still a really
good movie that you should watch it has some memes and a really emotional scene
Limaris Nieves
write like it's good ok you can hate all you whont but it's a good movie
Aleigha Hollins
I'm having a Ninjago birthday party in November
Sheryl Cummings
any one eles watching with your cat?
Alanna Cardona
bruh really lord God garbledon 😐
I like the movie but I understand why people hate it they don't sound like their real voices
Brook Alvarado
this is the only time watching Ninjago but not a movie now I already watched it...
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